9 Mar 2018 JS, .CSS Files To Reflect The Latest Changes To Those Files That is the reason those new changes will not appear to the user. is downloaded, then its associated files are also downloaded and stored in the browser's cache on the user's machine. You can use today's date and time through javascript 3 Jul 2016 Firefox (prior to version 37) and Safari do not support IndexedDB inside web since everyone else supports IndexedDB in their latest browser (iOS Chrome
At MIX 10, Microsoft showed and publically released the first Platform Preview for Internet Explorer 9, a frame for IE9’s engine not containing any UI of the browser.
9 Mar 2018 JS, .CSS Files To Reflect The Latest Changes To Those Files That is the reason those new changes will not appear to the user. is downloaded, then its associated files are also downloaded and stored in the browser's cache on the user's machine. You can use today's date and time through javascript Send three HTTP headers to prevent page caching: By sending the headers above, you will override any of those settings and force the browser to not cache! 9 Jan 2020 Using a Service worker you can easily set an app up to use cached It uses a promise-powered function to read image data from a JSON object and load the images using Ajax, The first block of code in our app's JavaScript file — app.js — is as Note: The Cache API is not supported in every browser. 20 Jun 2019 If this argument is true or not specified, the XMLHttpRequest is progress on transfers from the server to the client (downloads) AJAX – MDN